by lscullyadmin | Mar 5, 2017 | Campus Ministry, S.O.U.L., Tulsa, OK
The soul experience thus far has been life changing. I’ve been to many SOUL trips my four years at Saint Mary’s and this trip was different but amazing. It was the first time I helped in classrooms. I was not sure what to expect but I knew that it would...
by lscullyadmin | Mar 3, 2017 | Campus Ministry, S.O.U.L., Tulsa, OK
To say that this week has been beyond transformational would be an understatement. One of the reasons why I love SOUL so much is because of how it fosters the pillar of transformation. Being with the kids of San Miguel and the Christian Brothers and the Lasallian...
by lscullyadmin | Mar 2, 2017 | Campus Ministry, Narragansett & Pawtucket, RI, S.O.U.L.
During our time at Tides Family Services, Brother Michael Reese (BMR) told us many times (in his heavy New York accent): “if you don’t take risks, you’ll never grow.” I find this quote to be very applicable to everything I have experienced on...
by lscullyadmin | Mar 2, 2017 | Browning, MT, Campus Ministry, S.O.U.L.
My week in Montana has been far from what I had expected. I expected to arrive in a place that was cold, beautiful, and not all that much different than Minnesota. Well… I was wrong. When I got off the train in Montana I was welcomed by cold, blistery, winter...
by lscullyadmin | Mar 2, 2017 | Browning, MT, Campus Ministry, S.O.U.L.
School is almost over. One more day with my kids. Yes, they have become “my kids”. It never occurred to me how much seven 8th graders whom I would spend just a week with would mean so much. The first day of school was a bit tentative with most of the students as they...
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