Building relationships with one another…

through social interaction and discipleship.



Opportunities to promote a sense of belonging


Community Night – Held every Thursday at 8:00 p.m., Community Nights seek to foster friendships and build fellowship while engaging in relevant conversations about various topics related to living the Christian Faith.  

Lasallian Collegians – Members seek to be active in their faith, live lives of service and build community – connected to the mission and vision of Saint John Baptist de La Salle.

Here are some examples of what the Lasallian Collegians do:

  • Listen to a person living out the Lasallian mission with zeal
  • Visit elderly residents in Winona, MN
  • Collaborate with other offices to put on great events such as a Mardi Gras Bazaar
  • Help promote and organize De La Salle Week on the Winona Campus
  • Work alongside other student groups to facilitate a prayer service

De La Salle Week – A full week of activities that celebrate the life and message of Saint John Baptist de La Salle and the Christian Brothers.