The three words that described day two at school were, crazy, joyful, and faithful.  I had the opportunity to grow close to a lot of the 5th grade students today.  When working one on one with the students, they are very curios on getting to know me.  However, I must keep them focused on learning (which is sometimes hard).  I have loved getting to work one on one because I gain experience for becoming a teacher.  Many of the students need help in their learning.  One example is a boy who did not know how to do the order of operations, by explaining it to him in simpler words, he gained knowledge.

One of my favorite parts also has been going to gym with the 5th graders.  Today we played basketball and it was fun getting competitive with the students!  I have also enjoyed asking students facts about themselves because I want them to know I personally care for them.

Moving into the last word that describes today is the faith-filled community that I have seen.  During many classes, the students start in prayer.  I have loved seeing 5th graders praying for each other and their families.  From this, you can tell that all 77 students care for one another.  Back at the mission, we talked and had breakfast for dinner by the fireside.  After that, we all talked and journaled for awhile and then went to sleep for day 3!