Coordinating travel for five groups holds some unique challenge, especially when blizzards in Montana affect travel to New York but through some flexibility by the group and help from Cole at Enterprise Rent A Car – we are all where we need to be this morning.

As the week begins, there is a lot of excitement about what is to come.  Before we put phones away today, students are sharing snapchats with one another about their travel experiences and leaders are checking in to see who is where.  As I drove the New York group to the train station in Chicago yesterday while also figuring out where the Michigan group needed to be to meet up with me, I realized I had way too much happening in my mind to even have thought about what the week ahead will hold for service and experience.

We also took some time yesterday to meet Brother Mark Engelmeyer and Brother Dylan Perry, two novices and Midwest District auxiliary visitor, Brother Bede Baldry for pizza.  This was a great connection back to being a part of the whole.  Brother Mark led our group to Browning last year and Brother Dylan was a teacher in Tulsa and worked with a group.  It was a good reminder of how these experiences continue to build upon one another and neither what we do nor who we are ever isolated.

I am grateful today for the student and faculty/staff leaders who have done such a great job of mentoring and guiding students.  This is a special program due to their involvement.  I also am thankful for our sites and their welcoming of our groups last night and this morning.  I am excited for the students to know the people so dedicated to these sites and learn from them.

Thank you for following our blog this week!

Colleen Dunne