Two major events happened today.

  1. Today (Thursday) was our fourth and final day volunteering at the San Miguel School. To cap off this great adventure, we were asked to fill in for four different teachers who were gone for a teacher’s conference. Appreciation for the battle teachers go through is much greater after experiencing their situation, especially at a San Miguel School where it is normal for students to not do their homework and get kicked out of class. Isaiah taught math class – only lost one calculator and had one Chromebook broken by a vicious student. Aldontae dealt with a lot of student sass, but was intimidating enough to keep the students in line. Claire and Erica successfully tag teamed a science class, and were amused by Erica’s understanding of Spanish cursing that can not be repeated here. Levi also taught math, while Jake resumed his normal role of being a kid.
  2. After school, (and shopping/supper, in which we convinced “mom” (Kirsten) to buy a “good looking hat”) the Tulsa crew spent a couple of hours under a bridge. Under this bridge, we joined the program Night Light Tulsa in serving supper to 120 homeless in 30 degree weather. Following the program’s leader’s words in being “messed up in a good way,” our eyes were opened to not only the living conditions but the lives and stories of these people. Being encouraged to have conversations with these people, many stories were shared. New friendships were made, and Claire promised to write letters to one of these people.